Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New Job!

Last week we were so blessed with my husband starting a new job! He is so excited about it and I am so excited for him. He will be working nights.

The big night came for his first shift. I could tell he was anxious and excited and nervous all rolled into one. Starting a new job is like walking blind into the unknown. I gently suggested some oils.

I had him layer a few things. He started with Valor. I thought that would help with any anxiety for this new situation. Then he went with Thieves since he will be working in a hospital. We topped it off with some Egyptian Gold just to add more immunity boost.

I could tell he was confident and ready! He did have a great first night by the way.

We always start with Valor going into anything that could make us nervous. And when I am layering oils I start with Valor too. Love it!

What situations has Valor helped you in?

Until next time ...


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