Monday, March 25, 2013

"Dark Spot Corrector"

I will be doing a few beauty tips this week!

Since I was a young girl I have always had freckles and moles. Luckily mine are not like this little gem.

But, back to what I was talking about. Just normal everyday moles and freckles. Unfortunately looking grossly tan was really in style when I was young. And I spent way too much time in the tanning beds. Hopefully I did not look like this woman.

Ugh. If I could only go back and shake some sense into my young self. But, I can't and now I am left to deal with the consequences. So, this is where my Frankincense oil comes in.

First, I have a disclaimer from the Essential Oils Pocket Reference (5th edition) page 27. It says, "Keep essential oils away from the eye area and never put them directly into ears. Do not handle contact lenses or rub eyes with essential oils on your fingers. Even in minute amounts, many essential oils may damage contacts and will irritate eyes." I have heard to use them only above the eyes on your face to avoid any burning. But, I have also heard how Frankincense can help fade dark spots. So I very sparingly have been dotting a tiny bit on 2 age spots I have on my left cheek area. It has been great to watch them fade! I think they are faded about 50%. It's like that Clinique commercial except I am not putting all those nasty chemicals on my face. I am not advocating you to put oils all over your face, but just sharing what is working for me.

Until next time ...


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